ДЛЯ сказуемых ДЕЙСТВИЯ
We lay there, dead still[2], holding our breath[3], waiting for the moment to pass. My mother had her hand over my little brother's mouth. We could sense their presence above the floorboards[4], scouring[5] the kitchen, scouring the area of all movement, all sound, all smell.
Suddenly, we heard their clunking[6] feet march out[7] of the room. My father let out[8] a sigh of relief[9]. "That too close." he said. "All they had to do
lift a floorboard and we would
done for[10]". I lay my head on my dusty pillow.
All night the image of two animatronic[11] eyes piercing through the floorboards pasted[12] on my mind.
Next morning I woke up to[13] a drip of water landing[14] on my face. I strained my eyes[15] but could see nothing; only the floorboards above me. Later on that day we shared a loaf of bread and some butter. It the first real food I
had in days so I savoured[16] it. It felt like[17] years since I
outside. I longed for[18] the feel of crisp air[19] caressing[20] my face, and the smell of fresh towels dancing[21] in the breeze.
The next day, I woke up to hear clunking feet. Instantly[22], I froze. This the closest they
ever come before as they checked the storage unit[23]. The second Sweep [24]in two days which meant they
on high alert (в полной боевой готовности).
Again, I felt that drip[25] the next day. It starting to bug[26] me, so I moved my pillow to a new location.
With urgency[27], my father woke me up. He pressed his finger against[28] his lips and nodded his head in the direction[29] of the ceiling. There more this time, a dozen or so. This
the largest one yet[30]. Suddenly we heard a booming[31] voice from upstairs.
"63% of the human population remaining".
My mother lowered her eyes to the dirty floor in despair[32]. More than half of the earth wiped out[33] by those stupid robots. If I could jumped out and shot them, I would
. But what use
[34] a gun against impenetrable, fleshless, titanium? We no longer know our rivals. They lack empathy[35], which means FIGHTING
futile[36]. Simultaneously[37], I saw two robotic eyes light the corner of our room. This
it; I
blown[38] our cover.
I backed away[39], edging[40] towards my mother and father who knotted [41]in a desperate embrace. My heart
about to jump out of my chest and beads of sweat[42] formed on my forehead. My brother squealed[43] before father could muffle the sound of his voice.
"What that?" yelled a heartless voice from above the floorboards.
My eyes locked[44] with its. It a cold empty stare. Lacking emotion, it pointed to the small fire escape[45]in the shadows[46] of the room. Our escape.
Without a glance we crept like rats to our freedom.
"Just rats" said 2629 as a cold tear landed on a empty pillow.
[1] робот с искусственным интеллектом
[2]still –неподвижный;dead - совершенно dead silence - полная тишина
[3]ждать затаив дыхание
[5]рыскать, отскабливать
[9]вздох облегчения
[10] - и мы пропали разг.
[19]бодрящий воздух
[23]складское помещение
[24] аварийный сигнал
[27] with urgency – взволнованно, эмоционально
[28] to press against – прижимать что-л. к чему-л.
[29] in the direction - по направлению чего-л.
[30]Более того,….
[34]что проку
[37]в то же самое время
[40]медлительно продвигаться
[41] Лежать как будто завязанные в узел
[42]капли пота
[45]аварийный пожарный выход
[46]под сенью
Бэнкси - британский (British) уличный художник (street artist). Benksy IS a British street artist
Он известен (to be famous for smth.) своими граффити He is famous for his graffiti на стенах (a wall) и зданиях (a building) не только в английских городах, но и по всему миру. He is famous for his graffiti on walls and buildings not only in England but all over the world.
В феврале 2007 г . на аукционе в Лондоне несколько его работы были проданы (to sell [sold]) за 400 тыс. ф. ст. In February 2007 his works were sold at the auction house in London for 400 thousand pounds (four hundred thousand pounds).
Но он не пришел (to turn up - появляться/приходить) за деньгами (the money).
But he not turn up for the money.
В том же году он получил (= выиграть - to win[won] ) премию в области искусства (the art award). Later that year he won the art award.
Б. не появляется на людях (to turn up in public) , предпочитая (to prefer) оставаться анонимным (to remain anonymous) анонимным. Benksy DOES not turn up in public and prefers to remain anonymous.
Многие люди считают его работы вандализмом. Many people think his works to be vandalism.
Власти многих городов удаляют работы Б., считая, что его работы мотивируют (to encourage) других на такие же акты вандализма. Many city councils remove Benksy's works saying that they encourage other people to do the same.
Но многие люди, которые владеют (to own) недвижимостью, желают оставить его работы у стенах своих зданий, т.к. это повышает их стоимость, и считаются произведением искусства. But many people who own the property want to keep his works on their houses because this adds value to their property.