This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Theremany big and small libraries everywhere in our country. They have millions of books in different languages. You can find there the oldest and the newest books. Every school has a library. Pupils come to the library to take books on different subjects. The school library where Oleg studiesgood. Ita large clean room. Therefour big windows in it. The wallslight blue. Therea lot of shelves full of books. You can find books on literature, physics, history, chemistry, geography, biology and other subjects. Therebooks in English, too. On the walls you can see pictures of some great writers and poets. On the table near the window you can always see beautiful spring and autumn flowers. Oleg likes to go to the library. He can always find there something new, something he needs.
2. At school again.
Summerover and itautumn again, beautiful as ever. Even if youno artist at all you can see its beauty. Ita season when the treessimply fantastic — yellow, red, green and brown, not just one brown, but browns of all possible shades: light brown, dark brown, yellowish brown and all of a richness that only an artist can see and describe. Victorback in Vorontsovo. Hejust come but his thoughts still in Kiev where the autumn so beautiful. Thisnot his first visit there. Healreadyto Kiev and helearnt its streets, roads, parks, theatres, cinemas and old and new beautiful buildings. He easily recognizes the streets, buildings, buses, parks and the noise. Noiseeverywhere. Now hewith his classmates and the usual talk begins. "Hallo, Victor!" "Hallo, Pete." "Ivery glad to see you again. Howeverything?" "Thank you, fine." "Now tell me, whereyou all the time? In't seen you for ages and youn't written a word. you go anywhere?" "Certainly, I. Ijust come back from Kiev." "Howyou like it? it a good place to go to?" "Splendid! You must go there some day, too." "I certainly . And Iwrite letters to you as I know you like to get letters".
3. At school.
This our classroom. It light, clean and large. The room nice. Its ceiling and walls white, its floor brown. There one door and three windows in it. When it warm, they open. When it cold, they shut. The door always shut when we have our lessons. There a blackboard on the wall. We write on it. On the blackboard there some words. They English words. We read them: "We want to know English." We sit on chairs in front of desks. The desks nice and green. The teacher's desknear the blackboard. There not many pupils in our class. There only seventeen in it. Today fifteen pupils present, two absent. We learn many subjects at school. They : Russian, English, history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and physical training (or PT).
4. Big Ben
The big clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in London often called Big Ben. But Big Ben really the bell of the clock. It the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13.5 tons. The clock tower 318 feet high. You have to go up 374 steps to reach the top. So the clock looks small from the pavement below the tower. But its face 23 feet wide. It would only just fit into some classrooms. The minute-hand 14 feet long. Its weight equal to that of two bags of coal. The hour-hand 9 feet long.
The clock bell called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. He had the job to see that the bell put up. Sir Benjamin a
big man. One day he said in Parliament,” Shall we call the bell St.
Stephen’s?” St. Stephen’s the name of the tower. But someone said for a joke, “Why not call it Big Ben?” Now the bell knownall over the world by the name.
Here's a letter from Lukas. He's Jeena's friend. Jeena can not understand Lukas at all (совсем). But he can understand and speak good English. Jeena can speak to him in English. But she must learn some (немного) Italian. It very important for her. Debby can read Italian a little. She can help Jeena.
Alan and Debbytalking about Amy's French. Amyhelping Jeena with her lessons. Theydoing French exercises together. Amyonly a beginner. But Debbygood at French. Shereading a very interesting book now. It's about a night life in Paris.
Amywashing her hair. Debby can't speak to her now. Alanreading a novel. Alan, Amy and Jeena n't very busy tonight. They can go and play Ticket To Ride to Debby. She can expect them all at about eight.
Перевести с русского на английский, используя следующий алгоритм (строгий порядок) построения предложения:
1 ый шаг: постановка модуля.
2 ой шаг: постановка времени.
3 ий шаг: постановка местоимения.
4 ый шаг: постановка сказуемого (глагола - для 1-8 модулей ИЛИ слов, которые идут после глагола TO BE в 9 или 10 модулях)
5 ый шаг: постановка нужной "фишки"
Это Джина. This IS Jeena.
У Джины темные волосы. Модуль 1. Jeena (she) (to havedark hair – иметь; есть темные волосы)
Jeena has dark hair. DOES Jeena have dark hair? = Has Jeena dark hair?
Модуль 9. Jeena’s (волосы) (to BEdark - темные).
Jeena’s hair ISdark. IS Jeena’s hair dark?
У нее голубые глаза.
1 модуль.(She) (to haveblue eyes – есть; иметь голубые глаза). She has blue eyes. . DOES she have blue eyes? Has she blue eyes?
9 модуль. Ее (Her) hair (волосы) (to BEdark - темные). Her eyes ARE blue. ARE her eyes blue?
А это Дебби.
9 модуль. Это (This) (to BE Debby - Дебби). And this IS Debby.
У нее светлые волосы и зеленые глаза. (an eye – глаз; eyes - глаза)
1 модуль. Она (She) (to havefair hair and green eyes – есть; иметь светлые волосы и зеленые глаза). She hasfair hair and green eyes. . DOES she have fair hair and green eyes? Has she fair hair and green eyes?
9 модуль.Ее (Her) волосы (hair) глаза (eyes) (to BE fair - светлые; to BE green ) Her hair ISfair, and her eyes AREgreen
Her hair IS fair – Ее волосы светлые = У нее светлые волосы.
- «Привет, Джинa. Эйми дома?»
9 модуль.Amy (Она) (to BE at home – б.дома)
Hallo, Jeena. IS Amy at home? или (to BE in – б.дома) IS Amy in?
- «Привет, Дебби. Да.
9 модуль. Hallo Debby. Yes, she IS.
Она уже пришла. She (to come -приходить; приезжать) already.
3 модуль. She already come.
Она не занята. She (to BE busy - б.занятым)
9 модуль. She not busy
Сейчас она внизу. now she (to BE downstairs - б. внизу)
9 модуль. Shedownstairs now.
И они с Аланом пьют чай. And she and Alan (to have tea - пить чай) (сейчас)
2 модуль. She and Alanhaving tea.
Она помогала мне делать французский язык. She (to help with French)
3 модуль.Shehelped mewith French.
Мне всегда помогают,
5 модуль. Ialways helped when
когда я не могу сделать что-то (can not do).
I can not do something.
Зайди, выпей чаю». Come in, and have some tea.
- «Нет, спасибо. Я не могу сейчас. Я занята.
9 модуль.No, thank you.Ican't now. Ibusy.
Я иду (‘еду) в магазин. I (to go SHOPING -ходить в магазин; делать покупки)
2 модуль. Igoing SHOPING.
Я просто проходила мимо, I (to pass by - проходить мимо) just
2 модуль. Ijust passing by
И увидела тебя. (to see - видеть; увидеть)
Передавай привет Эйми и Алану». Say hallo to Amy and Alan
(В этом рассказе 8-летняя девочка,Eva Koshal, говорит от имени будильника, которому она придает человеческие черты внешности и поступков)
Beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep.... Bang! Hooray[1], Emilyawake[2], that's () my first job of the day done[3]. Ia small[4], pink[5], glossy[6] alarm clock[7] with green numbers[8] on my face[9] and a button on my head[10] for TURNING off[11] my loudbeeping[12] shout[13]. I sit on Emily's bedside[14] table next to[15] a messy[16] pile of books[17], pens and stickers[18]. Emilynow nine and Ikeeping a close eye on[19] her for the last few years. Mostly, I tick along[20] at a constant speed[21] but therea few times when Emilyneeded my help.
Two years ago, her big, beloved[22] Siamese cat[23]called[24] Captain, wentmissing[25]. She looked for[26] him after school everyday, calling his name[27] and asking neighbours to check in[28] their gardens and sheds. She came home miserable[29] and cried herself to sleep[30] every night.
She missed[31] this warm, furry [32], purring[33]body curled up[34] next to[35] her on the bed. I hated[36] to see her cry and the nights dragged on[37] and on. I used every scrap[38] of energy to push[39] my hands[40] round faster and faster to try and zoom through till dawn. My hands ached[41]and burned[42]and the battery grewhotter[43]and hotter. I helped to get Emily through[44] seven sad weeks before Captain reappeared and her smile came back. Last August Isquashed into a big purple suitcase with t-shirts, beach towels and Teddy and taken on a hot summer holiday. It
wonderful. I watched while Emily ran in and out of her bedroom in her blue and pink flamingo swimming costume, her wet feet leaving puddles[45] on the stone floor.
She released a bucketful[46] of laughter as she found her water squirter[47] and ran off again outside to spray[48] her brother. I loved SEEING that huge beamingsmile[49] and wanted it to last[50] forever. I held my breath[51]
and concentrated as hard as I could on not MOVING my hands but the battery kept TRYING to push me forwards. I tensed every muscle to keep myself still[52] and managed to give her just a little more time. But Ionly a small, pink, glossy alarm clock and I have such big job to do. Iwatch Emily every second, every minute, every hour that I can. Ispeed through[53] the sad times and try to hold onto[54] the happy times.
We lay there, dead still, holding our breath, waiting for the moment to pass. My mother had her hand over my little brother's mouth. We could sense their presence above the floorboards, scouring the kitchen, scouring the area of all movement, all sound, all smell. Suddenly, we heard their clunking feet march out of the room. My father let out a sigh of relief. "That too close." he said. "All they had to do lift a floorboard and we woulddone for". I lay my head on my dusty pillow.
All night the image of two animatronic eyes piercing through the floorboards pasted on my mind.
Next morning I woke up to a drip of water landing on my face. I strained my eyes but could see nothing; only the floorboards above me. Later on that day we shared a loaf of bread and some butter. It the first real food I had in days so I savoured it. It feltlikeyears since I outside. I longed for the feel of crisp aircaressing my face, and the smell of fresh towels dancing in the breeze.
The next day, I woke up to hear clunking feet. Instantly, I froze. This the closest they ever come before as they checked the storage unit. The second Sweep in two days which meant they on high alert (в полной боевой готовности).
Again, I felt that drip the next day. It starting to bug me, so I moved my pillow to a new location.
With urgency, my father wokeme up. He pressed his finger against his lips and nodded his head in the direction of the ceiling. There more this time, a dozen or so. This the largest one yet. Suddenly we heard a booming voice from upstairs.
"63% of the human population remaining".
My mother lowered her eyes to the dirty floor in despair. More than half of the earth wiped out by those stupid robots. If I couldjumped out and shot them, I would. But what use a gun against impenetrable, fleshless, titanium? We no longer know our rivals. They lack empathy, which means FIGHTING futile. Simultaneously, I saw two robotic eyes light the corner of our room. This it; I blown our cover.
I backed away, edging towards my mother and father who knotted in a desperate embrace. My heart about to jump out of my chest and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. My brother squealed before father could muffle the sound of his voice.
"What that?" yelled a heartless voice from above the floorboards.
My eyes locked with its. It a cold empty stare. Lacking emotion, it pointed to the small fire escape in the shadows of the room. Our escape. Without a glance we crept like rats to our freedom.
"Just rats" said 2629 as a cold tear landed on a empty pillow.