Alan: What timeyou tell Sergei to meet us here?
Amy: At lunch time.
Alan: Oh,n’t
funny, darling. You know what I mean. What time
Amy: At twenty past seven.
Alan: It’s twenty past already. you sure you told him to meet us here by the box office?
Amy: Yes, of course! I wonder what could happened. It’s so unlike Sergei
Alan: He may gone to the wrong (не тот) theatre.
Amy: Impossible. I gave him his ticket.
Alan: He might taken the wrong bus.
Amy: But Sergei knows London very well by now, all the better (еще лучше) than I .
Alan: Then something must delayed (to delay - мешать/задерживать) him.
Amy: I can’t help FEELING a little anxious. you think he could’ve had (= he could
had) an accident (to have an accident - попасть в аварию)?
Alan: Of course not! Why should he?
Amy: Here he comes at last!
Sergei: I’m terribly sorry kept you WAITING! But it
the girl’s fault.
Alan: What girl?
Alan: Never mind that now, Amy. Let’s hurry. The curtain goes up (занавес подымается) in (in - через) two minutes.
Sergei: Here (Вот, пожалуйста, возьмите/угощайтесь) some chocolates for you, Amy.
Alan: Ah, I might guessed! You bought them in a small street shop near the bus stop,
n’t you? And there
a pretty girl in the shop who kept you TALKING.
Sergei: Howyou guess (to guess - догадываться), Amy?
What time Sergei
here, Amy? - At twenty past seven. - It’s twenty past already.
I wonder what could happened. - He may
gone to the wrong theatre. He might
taken the wrong bus. Or something must
delayed him.
you think he could
had an accident?
I’m terribly sorry kept you WAITING! It
the girl’s fault. Here
some chocolates for you, Amy.
I might guessed! It
a girl in the shop who kept you TALKING.
(Sergei speaks on the phone)
Sergei: Yes, yes. I think I know where they, Professor. Of course! Till tomorrow then. Good bye, Professor. (Sergei puts down the phone.) That
Professor Attkins. He wanted to know where he
put some important papers of his.
Alan: How like him!
Sergei: I have to see him at the university tomorrow and find out what he done with them.
Alan: that all he wanted?
Sergei: He also wanted to know when I leaving. He
quite surprised when I told him it
this coming Thursday.
Alan: you registered yet?
Sergei: No, not yet. I’ll do this by internet first thing tomorrow morning. And then I’m going to book a hotel in Paris. I want to stop for two or three nights there.
Alan: You have a cousin there, haven’t you?
Sergei: Yes, but I n’t seen him for several years. I’d like to see how he
getting on.
Alan: Your MEETING with Professor Attkins take the whole morning.
Sergei: Oh, that not all! I’ve got a lot of SHOPPINGS to do, presents for the family, you know. I’m sure the kids never stop ASKING what Daddy
bring them from England.
Alan: BUYING presentsa task business.
Sergei: Yes, rather.
Alan: Ask Amy to help you. She adores SHOPPING!
Sergei: Shealready promised to help me.
Alan: you made up your mind what you
going to buy?
Sergei: I’m afraid not. Pullovers for the children, I suppose. And some toys, of course. But I’m not quite sure what I ought to buy my wife.
Alan: n’t she given the hints in her letters?
Sergei: Well, she writes: “n’t waste money on any presents for me. My measurements
Professor Attkins wanted to know where he put some papers of his.
I think I know where they .
He also wanted to know when I leaving.
You have a cousin Sergei, haven’t you? – Yes, I’d like to see him in Paris and learn how he getting on.
you going to take any presents to Russia? – Oh, I’m sure the kids never stop ASKING what Daddy
bring them from England.
you made up your mind what you
going to buy? - I’m not sure yet what I ought to buy my wife.
Amy: I wonder if the Smileys’ve seen this advertisement in the internet?
Alan: What advertisement? Where it placed?
Amy: Here, on the CountryLife website. A house for sale, the very thing for them (как раз то, что им надо).
Alan: For sale… ‘Modern house 50 miles from London’. I doubt if they going to move so far away.
Amy: Why not? If they can’t find anything suitable near in London. And this house looks very comfortable. Here, look at those pictures.
Alan: Hm, looks rather small, I must say.
Amy: But they wanted a small house. Besides, there’s a large garden.
Alan: How can you tell if itlarge? You can see only a part of it in the picture. Besides,
you know if the Smileys want a large garden? It needs a lot of work.
Amy: I can ring Debby and ask. But never mind the garden (= Бог с ним, с эти садом!). Other thingsmore important. Central heating (центральное отопление), for example.
Alan: Howyou know if there’s central heating in that house? The advertisement
n’t say so.
Amy: It says it’s a modern house. Surely, in a modern house…
Alan: I wouldn’t so sure about that, you know. Besides, you
n’t know if the Smileys like central heating. Some people
Amy: I can call Debby and ask.
Alan: Now theysure to want a garage and there’s nothing about one (это местоимение вместо слова "гараж", чтобы не повторять дважды это слово, а не слово "один") in the end (в довершение всего).
Amy: Of course, there’s a garage! I can see it in a picture. Here, on the left.
Alan: What? This? It looks more like a hencoop (курятник)!
You’d better ring (ты бы [лучше] позвонила) Debby and ask if she wants
to keep chickens!
Amy: n’t
absurd (Не смеши!), Alan.
Alan: Sorry, darling. I only pulling your leg. As a matter of fact (по правде сказать), the Smileys
already bought a house. I helped them over the transaction this morning.
Amy: Well, really?
I wonder if the Smileysseen this advertisement.
A modern house 50 miles from London.
I doubt if they’ll want to move so far away.
The houseso comfortable, and there’s a large garden.
How can you tell if it’s large? Andyou know whether ("whEther", а не "wEAther" - это частица, которая употребляется в косвенных вопросах как и другая частица "if") they want a large garden?
There’s central heating in the house and a garage.
How you know (Откуда ты знаешь, есть ли...?) if there’s central heating in that house?
And your garage looks more like a hencoop in the picture.