Aunt Gwen: You look worried, Amy. What’s the trouble?
Amy: I’m worried about Alan’s health.
Aunt Gwen: Oh, he seen a doctor?
Amy: Yes, he .
Aunt Gwen: Whatthe doctor say?
Amy: He says it’s overwork.
Aunt Gwen: Doctorsfools.
Alan really work so much?
Amy: Yes, he sits up late and then he can’t sleep.
Aunt Gwen: What timehe go to bed?
Amy: About 12:30 (half past twelve).
Aunt Gwen: he smoke a lot?
Amy: Yes, rather.
Aunt Gwen: I see. he drink?
Amy: Drink? Good heavens, no.
Aunt Gwen: he go for walks?
he work in the garden?
Amy: Very little, I’m afraid.
Aunt Gwen: Listen, Amy. Your husband ought to work less, smoke less, sleep more and take more exercise. That’s all.
Amy: Thank you aunty Gwen. That’s exactly what the doctor says.
Alan goes to bed late. What time…. - What timehe go to bed?
He gets up early. What time…. - What timehe get up?
He smokes a lot. How many cigarettes … - How many cigarettes he smoke a day?
He n’t sleep well.
Alan gets up early. Amy get up early? - Yes, she
Alan works in an office. Amy work in an office? - No, she
Alan has lunch in the canteen. Amy have lunch in a canteen? - No she
Alan smokes a lot. Amy smoke a lot? - No, she
Alan n’t like READING in bed.
Amy like READING in bed? - Yes, she
Amy: Alan, whatyou doing on the roof?
Alan: It’s this leak. I’ve just finished MENDING it. Icoming down now.
Amy: You know, Alan, our housein an awful state.
Alan: Quite right, Amy. The roof leaks, and the walls need PAINTING. Let’s start PAINTING at next weekend.
Amy: Good idea. But we n’t got the money for all the repairs. And we need a new gas cooker. And remember that the rates
gone up. And we spend more on fares now.
Alan: Stop GRUMBLING, Amy. I’m going to get a rise.
Amy: Youn’t got it yet. And we need money now. We must sell the car.
Alan: Our old bus? Good heavens! It’s not worth more than 300 pounds. No, that not a very good idea.
Amy: Well then, I have a better one. Let’s let one of our rooms.
Alan: Let a room? No, really.
Amy: We can get 300 pounds a week for that room next to Jeena’s.
Alan: But Jeena keeps some of her things there.
Amy: She can move them to the attic.
Alan: In’t like the idea of HAVING strangers in the house.
Amy: But we can choose someone nice, darling. Not stupid, perhaps.
Alan: Well …
Amy: Let’s start LOOKING for someone straight away
Alan: I’ve just finished MENDING the roof. Icoming down now.
Amy: Our housein an awful state.
Alan: Yes, the walls need PAINTING. Let’s start PAINTING at next weekend.
Amy: But wen’t got the money for all the repairs. The rates
gone up. And we spend more on fares now.
Alan: Stop GRUMBLING, Amy.
Amy: I have an idea. Let’s let one of our rooms. We can choose someone nice. Let’s start LOOKING for someone.
Amy: You know, Alan, I’ve just had a call from Debby. She wants to come and see us some day next week. And she wants to bring her friend.
Alan:she pretty?
Amy: Who, Debby?
Alan: No, her friend of course.
Amy: I’m afraid, it’s a man.
Alan: you know him?
Amy: No, In’t. But I know a lot about him from Debby. He’s a scientist.
Alan: he live in London?
Amy: No, of course not.
Alan: Why of course? Whatyou mean?
Amy: He lives in Russia. He’s a Russian.
Alan: Oh, I see. he speak English?
Amy: Yes, he . Debby says he speaks English very well.
Alan: What’s he doing in England?
Amy: He coming here to do a research.
Alan: So he n’t arrived yet?
Amy: No, he’s arriving tomorrow.
Alan: For how long?
Amy: In’t know. For a few months, I suppose. Listen, darling. What about LETTING him our room?
Alan: But surely, he’s got somewhere to live.
Amy: In’t think so.
Alan: Oh, well, I n’t know. Let’s meet him first.
Amy: All right, let’s ask him and Debby to tea.
Who wants to come to see Alan and Amy? - Debby.
Whoshe want to bring? - She
it a man or a woman? - It’s a man.
Amy know him? - No, she
Whathis job? - He
a scientist.
Wherehe live? - He lives in Russia.
Whathis nationality? - He
a Russian.
he speak English? - Yes, he
. He speaks English very well.
Whathe going to do in England? - He’s coming to England to do research.
How longhe going to stay? - For a few months.
WhatAmy want to do? - She wants to let him their room.
WhatAlan want to do first? - He wants to meet him first.