Debby: Yousmoking again, Alan. You really smoke far too much.
Alan: But Ismoke only 10 cigarettes a day, Debby.
Debby: That’s too many.
Alan: Some peoplesmoke 15 or more.
Debby: Never mind other people. You oughtn’t to smoke more than 5. And what’s more, you drink much coffee.
Alan: But Debby, you drink far more. I only drink a few cups a day. You drink 3 (three) or 4 (four).
Debby: Yes, but coffeegood for me. But
n’t good for you. It makes you nervous.
Alan: Nervous… n’t
silly, Debby. I
not at all nervous.
Debby: Yes, you. That’s why you drive too fast.
Alan: But Debby, I …
Debby: And thatnot all. You work too much. You sit up and read till 2 (two) or 3 (three) in the morning. And that’s why you get up too late. I must speak to Amy about you.
Alan: Debby,…
Debby: Stop SAYING “But Betty”, reform.
Debby: n’t smoke so much, Alan. - You smoke too much.
Debby: n’t drink so much coffee, Alan. - You drink too much coffee.
Debby: n’t drive so fast, Alan. - You drive too fast.
Debby: n’t work so much, Alan. - You work too much.
Debby: n’t sit up so long, Alan. - You sit up too long.
Debby: n’t get up so late, Alan. - You get up too late.
I learning English now. I learn English every day.
Ilistening to the record now. I listen to records every day.
I’m doing an exercise now. I do exercises every day.
Debby: Hurry up, Amy, we mustn’tlate. The lecture begins at 8 (eight).
Amy: Oh, dear, I’m so sleepy tonight. Whatthe title of the lecture? I’ve forgotten.
Debby:The Beginning Of The Cinema.
Amy: Oh, yes, by Doctor… What’s his name?
Debby: Clark.
Amy: Clark.that the old man with a boring voice? I’m afraid he’s going
very dull.
Debby: Inot. Let’s
Amy: you got the invitations?
Debby: Yes, theyin my bag. Wait a minute, here they
Amy: You’ve dropped something, Debby. Oh, a photograph. Whothis good looking young man?
Debby: Well, he lives in Chelsea.
Amy: In Chelsea?
Debby: Yes. And he works at the British Film Institute.
Amy: But whohe?
Debby: n’t you interrupt. He drives the beautiful Jaguar.
Amy: Never mind his Jaguar. Whohe, Debby?
Debby: He's got a charming voice. But his gowns extremely well.
Amy: Stop TEASING me, Debby. Tell me his name.
Debby: ThatDoctor Clark. Look, here
his autograph.
Amy: Oh, hurry up, Debby. We mustn’tlate. The lecture begins at 8 (eight)
I live in London. Alan lives in London.
I work in an office. He works in an office.
I go to work by tube. He goes to work by tube.
I come back home at about 6 (six) o’clock. – He comes back home at about 6 (six) o’clock.
Amy: You look annoyed, Alan. What’s the matter? Something wrong at the office?
Alan: Oh, it’s that fellow Smith.
Amy: Whathe done now?
Alan: It’s the old story again. He interferes with my work all the time. I’m not going to put up with it any longer.
Amy: Perhaps, he wants to be helpful.
Alan: Nonsense. He does it to show off.
Amy: He wants to get promotion, I suppose.
Alan: Of course. But I know my job and I hate interference.
Amy:he good as his work?
Alan: I think, he’s a fool. But he humors the manager and old Bruce likes it.
Amy: Well, whatyou going to do about it?
Alan: I’m going to talk to Bruce.
Amy: Why not to talk with Smith first?
Alan: Thatnot so simple. He
a difficult man.
Amy: Still you ought to try, I think. You can always go and talk to Bruce later.
Alan: Perhaps, youright, Amy. I’m going to try.
Amy: Fine. Let’s have supper now. I’ve made spaghetti bolognaise
Alan: Good!
Amy: What’s the matter, Alan?
Alan: Smith interferes with my work.
Amy: Whatyou going to do about it?
Alan: I’m going to talk to Bruce.
Amy: You look annoyed, Alan. - Alan looks annoyed.
Alan: I work hard. - Alan works hard.
Alan: I know my job. - Alan knows his job.
Alan: I hate interference. - Alan hates interference.
Alan: I think, Smitha fool. - He thinks, Smith
a fool.
Alan: I want to talk to Bruce about it. - He wants to talk to Bruce about it.