Debby: Hallo, Amy.
Amy: Howyou, Debby? Come in. Take your coat off. Dear me, it’s quite wet.
Debby: My shoeswet too. It’s the rain, it’s pouring.
Amy: Take them off, Debby. Heremy slippers. Put them on and sit here in this armchair.
Debby: It’s so pleasant and warm in here.
Amy: What about a nice hot cup of tea? I’ve just put the kettle on.
Debby: Oh, thank you, Amy. Iready for a cup of tea.
Amy: I must get my new tea set-up for you. Turn the TV on, Debby. There’s a good concert at 5. Orit at 5.15?
Debby: On which channel?
Amy: I’m not sure. Look the time on the Program List.
Debby: It’s rather dark in here. Can I switch the light on?
Amy: Why? Of course. I’ve got some very nice chocolate biscuits. You must try them, Debby.
Debby: Oh yes, I love chocolate biscuits.
Amy: you found the concert on the Program List?
Debby: Yes. Britton’s Spring symphony on BBC 3 at 5 o’clock.
Amy: The kettleboiling. I’m going to make the tea.
Debby: My shoesquite wet. It’s pouring.
Amy: Sit here in this armchair, Debby. I’ve just put the kettle on. There musta good concert on BBC 3 at 5 o’clock. Check the time, please, on the Program List.
Debby: Yes, you’re right. It’s at 5 on BBC 3.
(В предложениях используются повелительное наклонение, которое в английском языке образуется инфинитивом без частицы "to")
Amy: Your shoes, Debby, take them off. - Take your shoes off, Debby. (= Take off your shoes, Debby).
Amy: My slippers, put them on. - Put my slippers on. (=Put on my slippers).
Amy: The radio, turn it on. - Turn the radio on. (=Turn on the radio).
Amy: The light, switch it on. - Switch the light on. (=Switch on the light).
Debby: Your new tea set-up, Amy, get it out. - Get your new tea set-up out, Amy. (=Get out your new tea set-up, Amy).
Alan: Whatyou doing, Amy? Why
you throwing everything out of this closet?
Amy: But Inot. I’m looking for my green pullover. All these things
simply fallen out. Do help me pick them all up, Alan. Pick up those boxes and put them on the shelf, please.
Alan: All right.
Amy: But you must take off your jacket first. These boxesvery dusty.
Alan: Good heavens, what a mess!
Amy: Oh bother, it’s so dark in this corner. I can’t see anything. It’s too far from the window.
Alan: But then whyn’t you put on the light? Wait, let me do it. Now that’s better.
Amy: Thank you, darling. I’ve already turned everything out of this closet, and I can’t find that wretch pullover.
Alan:you sure it’s in there?
Amy: No, of course not. I’ve probably let it to Merriam.
Alan: But why thenyou looking for it here?
Amy: Well, it’s a good excuse for TIDING up the closet, isn’t it?
Amy: Pick up those boxes, Alan. Pick them up for me, please. You must take off your jacket first. Take it off, Alan.
Alan: Why haven’t you put on the light, Amy? Let me put it on for you.
Amy: I must sort out all these things now. Help me to sort them out.
Amy: Take these boxes out, Alan. Take them out of the closet. Now put all these things back in. Put them back into the closet.
Amy: Hallo, Alan. I late?
Alan: Oh well, your usual ten minutes.
Amy: Isorry, darling.
you ordered lunch, yet?
Alan: No, not yet. Waiter!
Waiter: Yes, sir?
Alan: Well Amy?
Amy: Ham and salad and some bread and butter, please.
Waiter: Soup, madam?
Amy: No soup for me, thank you.
Alan: Fish and chips for me, please.
Waiter: Anything else, sir?
Alan: Cheese and biscuits.
Amy: And a pot of tea, waiter, please.
Waiter: Very good, madam.
Alan: I say, Amy. I’ve got tickets for The Lion King tonight.
Amy: Oh, thatlovely, Alan. What time
the performance?
Alan: 7:30 (half past seven).
Amy: 7:30 (half past seven)… That’s rather early for me. I’ve got a lot to do this afternoon.
Alan: Good heavens, it’s only 12:45 (a quarter to one) now. You’ve got plenty of time.
Amy: Yes, But I n’t done my SHOPPING yet. I’m going to do it now. Then I must go home and change. And I must go and see my dentist.
Alan: What time?
Amy: I ought there at 5:15 (a quarter past five). And at 6 (six) o’clock I’m meeting Debby.
Alan: Oh no, Amy. You can’t meet Debby today. You n’t got enough time.
Amy: Alan!
Alan: Whatit, Amy?
Amy: I’ve just remembered. We can’t go to the theatre tonight.
Alan: Why not?
Amy: Aunt Gwencoming to see us at 8:30 (half past eight).
Alan: Oh bother!
Alan: Waiter!
Waiter: Yes, sir?
Amy: Ham and salad and some bread and butter, please.
Alan: Fish and chips for me, please.
Waiter: Anything else, sir?
Alan: Cheese and biscuits.
Amy: And a pot of tea, waiter, please.
What timethe performance? - At 7:30 (half past seven).
What timeit now? - It’s 12:45 (a quarter to one).
What timeAmy going to see her dentist? - At 5:15 (a quarter past five).
What timeshe going to Debby? - At 6 o’clock.
What timeaunt Gwen coming? - At 8:30 (half past eight).