Диалог 20. GOOD ADVICE
Alan: What about your holiday, Debby? Whereyou going this year?
Debby: Oh, well, I’m not sure yet. The Woodsgoing to Spain and France in their car. I may go with them.
Alan: That’s a good idea! Can you drive, Debby?
Debby: Not too well, I'm afraid.
Amy: You ought to practice. Then you and the Woods can drive in turn. But you must improve before you try to drive to Spain.
Debby: Can you drive, Amy?
Amy: No, I can’t. But I’m learning. Alan’s teaching me.
Alan: Can you play chess, Debby?
Debby: No, I can’t.
Alan: That’s a pity. The Woodsvery fond of chess.
Amy: Yes, Debby. You ought to learn to play.
Debby: Can you play chess, Amy?
Amy: I can’t, but Itrying to learn.
Alan: Can you speak Spanish, Debby?
Debby: Yes, a little.
Amy: Well, you ought to improve your Spanish before you go to Spain.
Debby: I have too little time. Besides, Ilearning Russian now.
Amy: Oh, Alan, you ought to learn Russian too. It’s very useful. We may go to Russia on our holiday.
Debby: Can you speak Russian, Amy?
Amy: Of course, I can’t. But I’m very good at GIVING advice, Debby.
WhereDebby going this summer? – She may go to Spain and France.
What ought she to practice? – She ought to practice DRIVING.
What languages can she speak? – She can speak French and a little Spanish.
Whoteaching Amy to drive? – Alan
Whofond of chess? – The Woods
Wholearning Russian? – Debby
Whogood at giving advice? – Amy
Jeena: Whatyou going (to BE going to do smth.- собираться что-л. делать) to do with all these old clothes, Amy?
Amy: I’m going to give them away (to give smth. away - раздавать что-л. бесплатно). But I must go through them (to go through - тщательно разбирать) first. You can help me if you like.
Jeena: Good.
Amy: This dress, for example. It’s out of fashion (to BE out of fashion - выходить из моды), of course. But it’s still (все еще) quite good (to BE good - хороший). I can send it to old Mrs Black. Now this summer coat. It’s out of fashion too.
Jeena: you going to give it away, too?
Amy: No, I can still wear (to wear - носить) it. I must alter (to alter - исправлять что-л.) it a little to wear, that’s all. Now let’s (=let us - давай) have a look (to have a look - посмотреть; поглядеть) at this jacket (= пиджак).
Jeena: Well, what about it (= Ну а с ним как?)?
Amy: Alanfond of it. He
going to wear it at least (как минимум) another year, I’m sure (to BE sure - быть уверенным).
Jeena: And these trousers (брюки)?he going to wear them too?
Amy: Hum.., theytoo old and shabby (потрепаный). Let’s give them away. We needn’t tell Alan.
Jeena: Look here, Amy. Can I have these trousers?
Amy: What?you crazy, Jeena? You can’t wear trousers like that (такие).
Jeena: I’m not going to wear them. I’m going to take them to school.
Amy: What for?
Jeena: Ineed them for our school play (a play - постановка). We’re going to play Hamlet next term.
Amy: But you can’t have trousers like these to play Hamlet.
Jeena: Oh yes (), we can. It’s going Hamlet in modern (современный) dress.
WhatAmy going to do with all her old clothes? - She’s going to give them away.
What must she do first? - She must go through them first.
Whatshe going to do with her summer coat? – She
going to alter it and wear.
What about Alan’s old jacket? – Hegoing to wear it for another year.
WhatJeena going to do with Alan’s old trousers? – She’s going to take them to school.
What for? – She’s going to use them for their school play.
Alan: Here we , The Seven Sisters. It’s a good place.
Amy: Good. Let’s go in.
Alan: Wait a minute. The menuin the window. Let’s have a look at it before GOING in.
Amy: All right. Whatthey got? Tomato soup, clear soup (бульон). Oh,
you going to have a soup at all, Alan? Why not start with fruit juice?
Alan: Good. Let’s have fruit juice.
Amy: And then…Perhaps, fish.
Alan: Fish and chips. They have very good fried fish here.
Amy: All right, that’s settled. Now, whatwe going to have for sweet (= sweet course)? Fruit salad?
Alan: What about apple pie?
Amy: Very well, apple pie for you and fruit salad for me.
Alan: Well, now let’s go in.
Amy: But Alan, the placeclosed.
Alan: Closed? It can’t.
Amy: Yes, look at the notice on the door. “Closed for alterations”.
Alan: Oh, dash it.
WhereAlan and Amy going to have lunch? – They
going to have lunch at a restaurant.
Whatthey going to have first? – They
going to start with fruit juice.
they going to have soup? – No, they aren’t.
Whatthey going to have next? – They
going to have fried fish and chips.
What is Amy going to have for a sweet? – She’s going to have fruit salad.
WhatAlan going to have? – He’s going to have apple pie.
But can they have lunch at The Seven Sisters? – No, they can’t.
Why not? – Because the placeclosed for alterations.