Alan: You have some blue (голубой) paint (краска) in your hair, Jeena.
Jeena: Blue paint? Oh, that. It’s from the ceiling (потолок).
Alan: From the ceiling?
Jeena: Yes. Martha Greendecorating (to decorate - красить помещение) her room and I’m helping her.
Alan: WhoMartha Green?
Jeena: She’s a girl from my class. We’re decorating her room and I’m painting (to paint - красить) the ceiling now.
Alan: you painting it blue (to paint it blue/ black - покрасить в голубой/черный цвет)?
Jeena: Yes.
Alan: And what colour the walls?
Jeena: Oh, each wall has a different colour: onewhite, one
black, one
red, and one
Alan: And the dooryellow, I suppose.
Jeena: No it isn’t. The windowsyellow. The door
Alan: Hum..The ceilingblue, the walls
white, black, red, and yellow…
Jeena: No, Alan, green.
Alan: Ah, the dooryellow.
Jeena: Pink (розовый), Alan, pink. The windowsyellow.
Alan: All right. The windowsyellow. And what colour
the floor?
Jeena: It isn’t ready yet. I can paint it dark grey, I suppose.
Alan: Oh, no, Jeena. Paint it in stripes (полоски). Black, red and yellow.
Jeena: That’s a very good idea, Alan. Come and help us.
Alan: But surely Martha’s father can help you.
Jeena: Martha’s father? No, he can’t. He and her motheraway. They
on holiday. We
decorating the room as a surprise for them.
Alan: Good heavens!
What Martha and Jeenadoing? – They
decorating Martha’s room.
What colourthe ceiling? – It’s blue.
What colourthe walls? – One
white, one
red, one
black, and one
What colourthe windows? – They
What colourthe door? - It’s pink.
WhereMartha’s father and mother? – They
away on holiday.
Alan: Listen, Amy. What can you say about the sky? It’s blue, there white clouds in it. And what else?
Amy: It can alsogrey and clouded. But why
you asking?
you doing a crossword puzzle (to do a crossword puzzle - разгадывать кроссворд?
Alan: Er… no.
Amy: Whatyou doing then?
Alan: I am…er, Iwriting Jeena’s essay (сочинение) for her. It’s her homework for tomorrow.
Amy: What? Alan, you mustn’t do things like that (такие).
Alan: But the poor girlso tired (to be tired - уставать) after our ping-pong (настольный теннис) match.
Amy: Nonsense (чепуха/чушь).
Alan: It’s an essay on (сочинение на тему) “A day in spring”. And she can’t do it. Shetoo sleepy (to BE sleepy - хотеть спать).
Amy: Can you do it, darling?
Alan: Of course, I can. Listen. It’s a lovely (приятный) spring morning. The sky blue…
Amy: But the sky in spring needn’tblue (не обязательно) at all (совсем). It can
grey and clouded.
Alan: Wait. The sunshining.
Amy: No, it n’t. It’s raining.
Alan: Look here (слушай), Amy. you writing this essay or
I? In my essay the sun
shining and the sky
blue. Spring
a very pleasant (приятный) season (время года).
Amy: It n’t pleasant for me. Look at my spring coat.
Alan: What’s about it? (А что с ним?)
Amy: It’s old and out of fashion (to BE out of fashion - выйти из моды).
Alan: Is it?
Amy: Of course it. Can’t you see (разве ты не видишь), Alan?
Alan: Well, darling. Then let’s (давай) go and buy you a new coat tomorrow.
Iwriting Jeena’s essay for her. It’s an essay on a day in spring.
Amy: You mustn’t do things like that.
But the poor girlso tired and sleepy.
What can you say about the sky?
Amy: Therewhite clouds in it. The sun
What else?
Amy: The sky can alsogrey and clouded. It can
raining. And my spring coat
out of fashion.
Алан решил помочь Джине написать сочинение на тему "Весенний день" и посоветовался с Эйми, как лучше написать об этом. Эйми поинтересовалась, почему Алан спрашивает, и очень удивилась, когда узнала, что Алан пишет сочинение вместо Джины.
Алан ответил, что Джина устала, потому что они с ней вчера много играли в настольный теннис.
Эйми ответила, что все равно Джина должна делать свои уроки сама. И добавила, что она сомневается, что Алан справиться с заданием.
Алан стал читать свое сочинение Эйми, но ей оно совсем не понравилось. И неожиданно она сказала, что весной ей не очень хорошо, потому что у ней нет весеннего пальто.
Диалог 19. HOBBIES
Jeena: Oh, hello, Alan. Here’s a letter for you.
Alan: Thank you, Jeena.
Jeena: It’s from Spain. Look at these stamps: theyvery nice. Can you give me the stamps?
Alan: COLLECTING stamps your new hobby?
Jeena: No, it n’t. But Martha, my friend
very keen on it (
keen on smth. - увлекаться чем.-то).
Alan: And your hobby CHATTING in the internet with your friends all over the world,
n’t it?
Jeena: Yes.
Alan: And LEARNING Russian…
Jeena: Eh, um.., yes. But Russianvery difficult.
Alan: I’m sure it.
Jeena: I’m making a very slow progress. And Alice Cook so good at LEARNING languages (
good at smth. - что-то здорово получается). She
learning Russian as well
is much better at it.
Alan: WhoAlice Cook?
Jeena: A girl from our class.
Alan: Well, and what about the other girls’ hobbies?
Jeena: Oh, COLLECTING records or films, DANCING. Some girls keen on sport: on SWIMMING or SNOWBOARDING.
Alan: Oh, well, sportall right, of course, but CHATTING with friends
a very good hobby, I think. You can learn about something about other people and understand other languages better.
Jeena: Yes, Alan. But what about the stamps for Martha?
Alan: Oh, of course you can take them Jeena.
WhatMartha’s hobby? – Her hobby
WhatAlice’s hobby? - Her hobby
LEARNING languages.
WhatJeena’s hobby? - Her hobby
CHATTING in the internet with her friends all over the world.
Whather other friends’ hobbies? – Their hobbies
Jeena making good progress with Russian? – No, she